Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sunset Ride

(Click on photo to enlarge)
We gathered out front of the Veranda Inn for the 30 mile last ride of this week. We have called this our sunset Ride. Some left after the ride and headed to Fr Myers to catch an afternoon plane back to Ohio. Others will be leaving to drive back to Ohio starting tomorrow morning. There will be 10 of us staying on for a second week of riding. Al J. did a great job once again of organizing this the 4th year of the Stark County Bike Club coming to Venice, Florida.

Toni is in charge of this next week and has gotten together a good schedule of rides ranging from 40-73 miles a day. Dave C is already pondering which restaurants we should go to each evening. Just never enough days to go to the many fine places around here.

Sorry that my Paul must leave to go back to Ohio tomorrow, and head back to work on Monday. The Veranda Inn has given us once again a whole block of rooms that we can use again next year. Most of us have reserved the same room for that last week in January 2010. This sure beats the cold weather back home!
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