Friday, January 16, 2009

How to Make Jumbo Stuffed Shells

So sad that I couldn't bike, nor did I venture out to ski yesterday. It was -13 degrees outside, so I stayed in and made this casserole of jumbo stuffed pasta shells. BicycleGirlCooks was in the kitchen yesterday making this easy to prepare for the oven dish. The complete recipe is on the information section on YouTube. Baked Pasta Shells - ala Mex-Italia
Go to the column on the right and click on the information section (the 'more' word will bring up the ingredients list). Served with some hot Italian bread, um, um GOOD. I brought this dish to the New Year's Day bike club get together.

I'm looking forward to getting down to Venice and the Veranda Inn tomorrow! Florida isn't having a heat wave, but it sure beats biking in sub-zero up here! SCBC folks are looking forward to biking in the sunshine! 60's and 70's are fine with me. So OK, for now watch me fix this yummy food:

P.S. I posted several new videos from last Saturday's SCBC banquet on the SCBCrider video channel on YouTube. Here

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