Read this great oatmeal blog post from a bicyclist who re-introduced himself to Oats after gagging on it as a kid. My mom too served it day after day during cold North Dakota winters, I loved it - alternating between Quaker Oats and Cream of Wheat. Especially liked how she sprinkled chocolate chips on the cream of wheat. Now as an adult this guy says he came to his senses and found out about the health benefits of eating this whole grain food, oatmeal. He is actually scarfing it up now on a daily basis. Another one has become a member of the Oats Club! After reading his post, he asked for some comments on what we thought of oatmeal. That got me up and going on editing a video that was sitting in my video file/folder on the computer. One morning a few days before reading his post I took my new JVC Everio GZ-HD6 video camcorder into the kitchen and recorded myself preparing my Loaded Oatmeal. I Twittered him and said if he was interested I'd post my Oatmeal video. Hey, he liked it. Now it is the featured video on his blog today.
Speaking of Oats and Oatmeal . . . This photo was taken the final morning of my 52 day cross country bicycle trip, 2006. The leaders from America By Bicycle had presented riding buddy, Chuck, and I with boxes of "Quick Oats." He and I were always the very first ones up at the butt-crack-of dawn every morning downing some oatmeal and chomping at the bit to get out there and ride our bikes. They figured all those oats made us quick on the pedals. Oh such fun we had. Sheesh! I really kept my hair short that summer. It did make it very wash 'n go those days out there on the bike. After averaging 85 miles of day for 52 days on the bike there was no desire to fuss with the hair do!
It's deadline time right now for the Road Captain. - So after things settle down and I get the February Stark County Bike Club ride schedule, and Road Captain's Report article sent over to The Spokin' Word newsletter editor I can spend some time preparing to post my little cooking school videos. Stay tuned.
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